My Grandparents owned the General Store in Evain. - Ancestry and family history in Evain - Evain forum in Quebec in Canada

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My Grandparents owned the General Store in Evain.

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:37pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Evain

Joined: 14 Jan 2024

Hi Everyone,

I am Caroline Fillion Paul and my grandparents who owned the General Store were,

Napoleon & Mamie Fillion. They moved to Evain from Laconia, NH, USA around 1933.  There was some sort of Government Program giving money to people who wanted to be pioneers of the village. They decided to build a General Store with the money the government gave them. They had 8 children. My dad was the oldest.

- Joseph (Joe) Fillion (my dad)

- Alice 

- William (Bill)

- Rachelle (mentally challenged)

- Marie (age 91, the only one still living)

- Irene

- Albert

- David (Dave)

My dad Joe Fillion had his own cab company called "Joe's Taxi." He had 2 cars and his brother Bill drove the 2nd car. I'm trying to figure out what year this would be... About 1946. Not sure where Taxi Stand was located, but I know it was outside of Evain, somewhere on highway #101. He met my mom when he was hired to drive some of her family members from Montbeillard, QC to visit relatives in Nicolet, QC. She said it was a 10 hour drive (slower speed limits back then) and she didn't like my dad because he was acting like a fool. haha 

They married in 1950 and moved to Toronto the following day, where my dad started a new job as a Truck Driver. 

If any of this sounds familiar to anyone or if anyone has any photos I would appreciate any information you could give me. 

Thank you for your time,


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