New to Beaverview Lodge 87 years, expensive framed Christening Gown MISSING. - Introduce yourselves in Mcbride - Mcbride forum in British Columbia in Canada

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New to Beaverview Lodge 87 years, expensive framed Christening Gown MISSING.

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 2:20pm
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Caroline H

Posts: 1

Location: Mcbride

Joined: 30 Dec 2024

December 1st, I arrived in McBride.  Whilst unpacking, my Families Framed Christening Gown was left in the Community Meeting Room.  It was on the sofa, leaning against the wall.  December 10th I noticed it was missing.  But I thought someone had stored it because it was in the way.  However, after inquiring I realized someone had taken it. I really did not think it possible that someone would take such a family treasure, but, perhaps the expensive frame was the attraction.  I also thought that no one would take it from Beaverview Lodge, a Seniors Residence.  It is heavy.  Please may it be returned?  No questions asked.  Even just the gown would be appreciated.

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